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Lyric Tenor & Vocal Coach
London - Berlin - Dresden - Skype

John Paul began his singing career in a rock band in Manchester but on hearing a recording of the tenor Beniamino Gigli instantly knew that he wanted to sing this way.

After attending many operatic performances and studying with some of the world's most renowned teachers in both London and New York he eventually realised that nobody knew how to sing like this anymore. Left with no choice but to undertake the task himself John Paul underwent a 10 year period of research and experimentation which led to a discovery, or rediscovery if you like, of the old system of register training.

The main problem with modern singing technique is too greater emphasis of the chest voice or thyro-arytenoid muscles. When the thyro-arytenoid muscles are too dominant, high notes become problematic.

The training system that John Paul has developed is actually quite simple but immensely effective. Isolation of the Crico-Thyroid muscles and de-activation of the Thyro-Ayrtenoid muscles allows the stretching mechanism of the vocal folds to fully strengthen. Once the vocal folds become fully flexible in this way then the process of chest voice co-ordination can begin. A full voice high C is only possible after years of isolated crico-thyroid development but once this development is achieved then singing becomes easy.

It's no wonder that high notes sound so easy on those old recordings. Sopranos, Mezzos and Contraltos would often make their operatic débuts as teenagers whereas Tenors, Baritones and Basses would already be taking on major roles in their early twenties. Most singers today wait till they are 30 and even then are not ready. Teachers say be patient, your voice will mature, it will get better but it never does. John Paul's system takes a few years to get going but once the Crico-Thyroid muscles are strong enough then you can add the chest and you're away!

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KULTURFESTIVAL LUCKAU 2021 - John Paul Miles [Festivalbeitrag]

KULTURFESTIVAL LUCKAU 2021 - John Paul Miles [Festivalbeitrag]

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Singing! Where do I begin?

Singing! Where do I begin?

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Tenor singing above high F during lesson

Tenor singing above high F during lesson

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Bass Singing Lesson

Bass Singing Lesson

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My daughter had been struggling with tone and volume with other vocal coaches but I could tell immediately the lessons with John Paul were producing the changes she needed. The change in her tone was particularly noticeable when practising scales and the notes she had struggled with for 3 years are now perfect, which happened within a couple of lessons.  I had been hoping to see some differences within 6 months but her tone improved after the first lesson and continues to get better each time. John Paul knew her vocal range straight away and understood her vocal abilities which has been invaluable in knowing her vocal strengths. John Paul showed her the techniques that gave her control of volume in a way that doesn't sound forced. She's determined to improve even more and has loved learning all the new techniques. She usually sings pop/rock/jazz covers and is already producing a much better sound.oles

Music Mass


I have been a student with John Paul for over eighteen months and through his patient and concise teaching he has enabled me to gain a detailed understanding of my individual voice and inspired me to have the confidence to pursue a career as a classical singer.
What makes John Paul such an effective teacher is that he truly understands that each voice is individual and his lessons are planned in such detail that week on week you feel the voice begin to grow and flourish whilst also working on repertoire which highlights your vocal growth.
A great singer himself he demonstrates exercises in which it is easy to see the fine details of the delicate mechanisms needed for vocal progression.
I cannot speak highly enough of John Paul. Through his passion and knowledge he has inspired me to gain confidence not only in my voice but in my potential to grow as an artist.

Matt Wilding


Ich bin seit über 18 Monaten ein Student von John Paul und durch sein geduldiges und bewusstes unterrichten hat er es mir ermöglicht, ein detailliertes Verständnis meiner individuellen Stimme zu gewinnen und mich dazu inspiriert, das Vertrauen zu haben eine Karriere als klassischen Sänger zu verfolgen.
Was John Paul als einen guten Lehrer auszeichnet ist, dass er wirklich versteht, dass jede einzelne Stimme individuell ist und seine Stunden sind so detailliert geplant, dass man Woche für Woche fühlt wie die Stimme zu wachsen und gedeihen beginnt, während man gleichzeitig an dem stimmlichen Repertoire arbeitet, welches diesen Wachstum hervor hebt.
Als großer Sänger selbst, zeigt er Übungen, in denen es leicht ist, die feinen Details der delikaten Mechanismen zu hören, welche für den vokalen Fortschritt benötigt werden.
Ich kann John Paul nicht genug loben. Durch seine Leidenschaft und sein Wissen hat er mich inspiriert Vertrauen zu gewinnen, nicht nur in meine Stimme, sondern auch in mein Potenzial als Künstler zu wachsen.



"I have personally seen the tremendous vocal growth of John Paul Miles. He has succeeded, through great vocal pedagogical understanding, in developing an exceptionally beautiful tenor voice. I have also had the opportunity to witness his exceptional effectiveness as a teacher."

David Jones
International Vocal Pedagogue / Teacher


"Ich habe persönlich den enormen stimmlichen Wachstum von John Paul Miles gesehen. Es ist ihm gelungen, durch großes stimmlich pädagogisches Verständnis, eine außergewöhnlich schöne Tenorstimme zu entwickeln. Ich hatte auch die Gelegenheit, seine außergewöhnliche Wirksamkeit als Lehrer zu bezeugen."

Soul Supreme


Lessons with John Paul were brilliant. His vocal exercises were thorough and I found that I was using parts of my voice I'd never really used or explored before. I was having trouble with vocal tiredness but after his exercises I found that my voice was in top shape.  John Paul is encouraging and makes you feel completely at ease. With a super talent and a wealth of musical knowledge, John Paul's lessons are definitely worth experiencing!

Sammi Vaughan


+49 (0) 152 335 11879

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